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Shauna Sottery

Are You Living on Purpose or Running on Empty?

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

"The thief's purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." (John 10:10)

Hindsight is 20/20. If we only knew then what we know now. I am truly amazed at the amount of wisdom that seeps from the Bible. First of all, let me confess. I just recently started reading this Book of Knowledge basically a manual of how to do life, over the past 3 years. You see I worked in a society for 17 plus years that reinforced the nagging fear that I was not worthy enough to succeed in business, in life, unless I succumbed to the mantra of personal development. So thousands of dollars later after reading every new book on personal development I could find at Barnes and Noble, I was bewildered why my new found method of the day didn't leave me with a more "long-lasting" dose of self confidence, let alone self esteem. Have you ever felt this? Excited and Enthusiastic one minute, then lost, deflated, and flat the next?

Let me preface, I'm eternally grateful for having experienced the sheer awesomeness of some of the worlds greatest speakers and teachers in my life, past and present included. The best source of Wisdom is unquestionably, your Bible. In addition, these are "The 4 key codes" of what has remained with me throughout the years, that coincidentally are all written in Scripture just said differently:

  • "CANI" - Constant And Never-ending Improvement in all areas of life (Tony Robbins)

  • "What other people think of me is none of my business" principle (Wayne Dyer)

  • The Power of Now: Being Fully in the Moment mindset for dealing with chaos (Eckhart Tolle)

  • Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.(Albert Einstein)

So Jesus came to give us an abundant and satisfying life. Yet most of America is living in a state of sleep deprivation, addictions ( beyond drugs, alcohol, and gambling- I'm talking about the elephant in the room like social media, pornography, and technology to name a few), chronic health, busyness and a myriad of distractions. Our divorce rate has now officially gone beyond 51% for first time marriages, 68% for second marriages, and so on. Kids are experiencing record highs of depression, loneliness, and sadness despite "being connected". Why? Glad you asked. It's because each one of these symptoms and "addictions" have become a way of life for many. They are the enemy's tools that he uses daily to steal our Joy, Health, Vitality, Relationships, Peace, and ultimately Love. We all know, something practiced consistently for 21-24 days, becomes habit, good or not so good.

In a world of growing technology, the freedom to rant and rave in real time, and the ease of surfing and navigating the wonderful wide world of Google, YouTube, Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Twitter, can literally lose hours of time "staying connected" and up-to-date on what friends and family are doing minutes or miles away. We've literally taken our "habit" to a whole new level and put it in a box that we can carry with us 24/7. We have become enslaved to our devices, some more aware than others of this black hole phenomena, and have even been cited touching devices an estimated 5,400 times per day! (CPA clinical study 2019)

For those that of us that believe that we are fairly new inhabitants created by a loving God to have authority and dominion over God's creatures on earth, the enemy (aka the devil) has been around a lot longer than us and has been studying us keenly, learning how humans make their decisions, feed their fears and insecurities, and modifying his strategies to fulfill his purpose: to steal (Time and Joy), to kill (Love and Compassion), and destroy (Unity and Relationships) with ourselves, with one another, and within a nation of people.

If we are only given one life to live and a limited amount of time, the question now becomes not about quantity, but about quality. Simply stated, "We are all given the same amount of time in a given day, but what we choose to do with the time we are given that's what matters most." Gandalph the Wise (Lord of the Rings by JR Tolkien)

There's obviously a reason you chose to read this completely. Now choose to start living life more fully: with purpose, intention, love and respect. It's about investing in You. I'm here to help you get started! Counseling for yourself or for relationships is now available through Telehealth from the convenience of your home or office.

Your Relationship Specialist,

Shauna Sottery


82 views2 comments


Shauna Sottery
Shauna Sottery
Jun 17, 2020

I'm thrilled that you are reading the book and look forward to hearing how The Power of Now: Being Fully in the Moment Mindset for Dealing with Chaos has impacted your thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to nourish your mind and renew your thoughts and of course for reading the blog! Please keep in touch and let me know how you're finding the other recommendations and stay tuned for more insights on my blog! Thank you for spreading the word and sharing with others that can use a little better self-care!


Kasia Ciszewski
Kasia Ciszewski
Jun 16, 2020

Thanks for emphasizing the importance and the power that comes with taking care of yourself. I actually just purchased Eckhart Tolle's book, " The Power of Now: Being Fully in the Moment mindset for dealing with chaos". I'm curious to see how much self-growth will come from it.

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